Here, you find my whole video series about Start Learning Sets in the correct order and I also help you with some text around the videos. If you have any questions, you can use the comments below and ask anything. However, without further ado let’s start:
Part 1 - Overview and Element Relation
Start Learning Sets is a video series I started for everyone who is interested in the necessary foundations you need to enjoy the whole world of mathematics. At this point, you know a lot about the language of the mathematical logic such that we are ready to start with set theory:

Part 2 - Predicates, Equality and Subsets
So, sets don’t seem very complicated but you might not see yet how powerful they really are. All mathematics you ever know or will learn here with me can be formulated with sets. And that is the beauty of it: We only need set theory as the foundations of mathematics to construct the whole building on top! Okay, then let’s talk more about sets:

Part 3 - Union, Intersection, Differences and Power Set
Operations we can do with sets include unions, intersections, and set differences:

Part 4 - Cartesian Product and Maps
For building new sets, the Cartesian product is very important:

Part 5 - Range, Image and Preimage
Let’s talk about maps. There we can define the preimage, image and range:

Part 6 - Injectivity, Surjectivity and Bijectivity
For maps also the notions injective and surjective are very important. If we have both things, we speak of bijective maps:

Part 7 - Composition of Maps
Next important thing we can do with maps is the composition of two maps:

Go to the next course
Start Learning Logic
Start Learning Sets
Start Learning Numbers
Start Learning Reals
Start Learning Complex
Summary of the course Start Learning Sets
- You can download the whole PDF here and the whole dark PDF.
- You can download the whole printable PDF here.
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