What is The Bright Side of Mathematics?

Here you find all information about my YouTube channel The Bright Side of Mathematics where I publish videos since 2014. I deal with a lot of different mathematical topics and I am always open for suggestion what to cover next.

All videos are always free and available on YouTube. However, my supporters, which truly motivate me, can find perks like early access, PDF versions, community access and quizzes here. You can choose any support method you want to get the additional material. Since I see me as an ambassador of free education, all YouTube videos are freely available for everyone in the world. Therefore, if you are not able to send me money, please just send me a mail if you need more information.

See here how you can support me. If you want to know more about me, you can go to my personal website.

If you also want to offer your content on Steady, you can use my affiliate link: https://steady.cello.so/EWOuSv7Cvmc

Last update: v1.2024.