Title: Reordering for Series
Series: Real Analysis
Chapter: Infinite Series
YouTube-Title: Real Analysis 21 | Reordering for Series
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00:00 Intro
00:17 Meaning of reordering of series
01:13 Example: Reordering can change the value
02:32 2nd Example with a convergent series
04:58 Definition Reordering
06:10 Theorem for abs. convergent series
06:39 Proof of the Theorem
12:22 Credits
Subtitle in English (n/a)
Quiz Content
Q1: Is the series $\displaystyle \sum_{k = 1}^\infty (-1)^{k+1} \frac{1}{k}$ absolutely convergent?
A1: Yes, it is.
A2: No, it isn’t.
Q2: When do we call a series $\displaystyle \sum_{k = 1}^\infty a_{\tau(k)}$ a reordering of the series $\displaystyle \sum_{k = 1}^\infty a_k$?
A1: It’s called a reordering if $\tau : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is map.
A2: It’s called a reordering if $\tau :\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is a injective map.
A3: It’s called a reordering if $\tau :\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is a surjective map.
A4: It’s called a reordering if $\tau :\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is a bijective map.
A5: It’s called a reordering if $\tau :\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is a bijective map with $\tau(1) = 1$.
Q3: Can one change the value of a convergent series with a reordering.
A1: Yes, that is always possible.
A2: No, this is never possible.
A3: Yes, this is possible but only if the series is not absolutely convergent.
Q4: Let $q \in \mathbb{R}$ with $|q| < 1$. Can one change the limit of the series $\displaystyle \sum_{k = 0}^\infty q^k$ with a reordering?
A1: Yes, this is always possible.
A2: No, this is not possible.
A3: It possible for $q < 0$ but not for $q \geq 0$.
Last update: 2025-01