Title: Spectral Mapping Theorem
Series: Linear Algebra
Chapter: Eigenvalues and similar things
YouTube-Title: Linear Algebra 63 | Spectral Mapping Theorem
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Quiz Content
Q1: Consider the matrix $\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \ -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}$. What are the eigenvalues?
A1: $-i$ and $i$
A2: $-1$ and $1$
A3: $-i$ and $1$
A4: $-1$ and $i$
Q2: Consider the matrix $ A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \ -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}$. What are the eigenvalues of the matrix $A^{10}$?
A1: Only $-1$
A2: $-1$ and $1$
A3: $-i$ and $1$
A4: Only $1$
A5: $0$ and $1$
Q3: Let $ A $ be a matrix with spectrum ${ 0, 1}$. Now consider the matrix $B = A^3 + 2 A^2 - 1$. What is correct?
A1: $\mathrm{spec}(B) = { -1, 2 } $
A2: $\mathrm{spec}(B) = { 0,1 } $
A3: $\mathrm{spec}(B) \subseteq { 0 } $
A4: $\mathrm{spec}(B) \supseteq { 0, 1} $
Last update: 2024-10