Title: Cancellation Property
Series: Algebra
YouTube-Title: Algebra 6 | Cancellation Property
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Definitions in the video: order of a group, order of a semigroup
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Quiz Content
Q1: What is the order of the group $G = (\mathbb{R}, +)$, written as $\mathrm{ord}(G)$?
A1: $1$
A2: $2$
A3: $\infty$
A4: $n$
Q2: What is the order of the group $G = ({ e,a }, \circ) $ where $a \circ a = e$.
A1: $1$
A2: $2$
A3: $\infty$
A4: $n$
Q3: Let $(S, \circ)$ be a semigroup. What is the statement of the right-cancellation property?
A1: If $x b = y b$, then $x = y$.
A2: If $x b = y a$, then $x = y$.
A3: If $b x = y a$, then $x = y$.
A4: If $b x = b y$, then $x = y$.
Q4: Let $(S, \circ)$ be a semigroup given by the following sets of matrices together with the matrix multiplication: $$ \left{ \begin{pmatrix} a & b \ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix} \biggm| a,b \in \mathbb{R} \right} $$ Do we have the right-cancellation property here?
A1: No, we find counterexamples!
A2: Yes!
Last update: 2025-02