Title: Semigroups
Series: Algebra
YouTube-Title: Algebra 2 | Semigroups
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Dark video: https://youtu.be/FPB2TVsRt-0
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Quiz Content
Q1: Consider the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ with the standard addition $+$ and the subset $A = { 0, 1 } \subseteq \mathbb{R}$. Does $F( (a,b) ) = a+b$ define a binary operation on $A$?
A1: No, it doesn’t.
A2: Yes, it does.
A3: One needs more information.
Q2: Consider the set $A = { 0, 1 }$ with binary operation $\circ$ definded by $a \circ b = 0$ for all $a,b \in A$. Is $(A, \circ)$ a semigroup?
A1: No, it isn’t.
A2: Yes, it is.
A3: One needs more information.
Last update: 2025-02